Topanga Market presented by Battenwear and friends

Come one, come all on an adventure with Battenwear & friends in the twists and hilly turns of Topanga Canyon, California.
Check out quality apparel & accessories, surfboards, Japanese stationery, gorgeous table and home goods, vintage records, and a traditional Japanese tea stand (see vendor list below)
Bring your friend's family and hang out.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
10:00AM - 4:00PM
1111 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd
Topanga, CA 90290
(turn down the driveway and park in our parking lot)
Featured vendors:
Battenwear @battenwear
Helm Supplies @helmsupplies
Hightide DTLA @hightidestore_dtla
Yoka Good Things @yoka_good_things
We Share Records @weshare_records
えんがわ喫茶 (Engawa Kissa) @engawa_kissa
#helmsupplies #enjoythejourney #beatthehelm
#staystoked #surfing #surf #surfboard #surfboards